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Manually release tuners
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Author:  morgande [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Manually release tuners

I have an issue that sometimes pops up with remote clients.

I have a single tuner backend/frontend with a remote xbox client and a remote Apple powerbook client.

Lets say that a remote client is using the sole tuner to watch live tv. And lets say that that client looses communication with the backend for a reason (power is turned off by accident, system crash or lockup). From the backend perspective, the sole tuner is still being used by the remote client.

It will remain 'in use' forever, until a scheduled recording job comes in that forces the backend to release the tuner so it can use it record a job. If another client try's to access the sole tuner for live tv viewing, it will be denied because the tuner is in use even though there is nobody really using it.

Is there a way to release a tuner manually if/when this happens? The only ways I can think of now to get the backend to release the tuner is to restart it, or schedule a recording job.

Any suggestions?

Author:  morgande [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

LOL...dont all reply at once. :)

Author:  bruce_s01 [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know if the MythTV protocol has anything to handle this situation.
This might be a topic for the MythTV developers, I don't know if any post here, so you may have to ask in another forum/mailing list.

Bruce S.

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