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2 cutpoints very near to each other: which moves?
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Author:  knopprob [ Mon May 19, 2008 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  2 cutpoints very near to each other: which moves?

km r5e50

when i edit a recording, make a cut point, and make a second cut point very near to the first, a screen tells me what is possible.
one is: 'move the cut point to the current cut point'
when i do choose this: which moves to which?
the second to (the location of) the first, or the other way round.

i always argued the first cutpoint would move to the second location (on the timeline), but i am unsure now (it seems not to do so).

who has the definitive answer?


Author:  ceenvee703 [ Mon May 19, 2008 5:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't have the definitive answer, but here is my guess.

Firstly, in your example, you get the dialog when you _try_ to make the second cut point near to the first. You haven't made the second cut point yet, so when you're given the dialog and you select "move the cut point," it moves the original cut point to your current playhead position. It doesn't make two points and then merge them into one.

Second, your other message asked about frame accuracy, which is also kind of what you're asking here (i.e. why isn't it honoring my exact cut point placement?). Again, no definitive answer here, but it might help to realize that MPEG2 recordings are not meant to allow for frame-accurate editing. Since MPEG2 uses keyframes, any edit that isn't precisely on a keyframe has to be handled differently--the group of pictures (GOP) that contains the edit has to be converted to a different codec that allows for frame editing, the edit is made, then that GOP gets converted back to MPEG2.

Knowing this, I always try to put my cut points on keyframes. It's not frame accurate but if I needed frame accurate edits, I would use a codec that allowed for frame accuracy.

Author:  bigbro [ Mon May 19, 2008 8:18 am ]
Post subject: 

on top of what Cenvee says, if you have two cutpoints within 20 Sec of each other it gets confusing. It has always seemed to me, that it will move the farther one to the point you are at.

Here is how I have compensated for that. I place CutPoint A say the beginning of what I want to cut, at the keyframe and have it cut after that point. Then I move to position 2 i.e. at the end of the segment I want to cut and rather than allow it to move a cut point. If there is one there I would delete it and then insert a new point to cut frames before that point.

Now if they are too close to each other you can always delete those two points and insert Point a Cut Out at the beginning keyframe and then insert a Point the Cut In at the ending key frame.

Because it uses Mpeg2 you have to use Keyframes to cleanly remove the stuff in the middle.


Author:  cecil [ Sun May 25, 2008 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Backup and auto upgrade. MythTV now supports having cut points 1 second apart... You can insert a cut point even if you are close to another...

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