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HOWTO: Install amule on R5.5 (LINUX emule client)
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Author:  graysky [ Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  HOWTO: Install amule on R5.5 (LINUX emule client)

HOWTO Covers: Installation of amule on R5.5. Tested, works great on R5.5, and is D-E-A-D simple :p

HOWTO Does NOT Cover: Configuration of amule (come on people, it's pretty much self-explanatory). One caveat to be aware of with any system behind a router/firewall (if you have a router and/or firewall) is that you'll have to forward or open a port/ports for TorrentFlux to work properly. This too is beyond the scope of this HOWTO guide. See the references section at the end of this guide for a link that'll help you in this regard.

Background Material: Amule is a LINUX client of the popular windows emule p2p networking client. If you want the ability to run it on your KM box, read on.

The Installation Steps: As always, command that being with the $ prompt are done by the user (i.e. mythtv) and those preceded by the # prompt are done by root.

First edit your /etc/apt/sources.list adding a new line and changing your debs to the stable repos. Here are the relevant lines you'll need to get amule installed.

deb stable amule-stable wx

#Debian repos
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

#For libnet-upnp
deb testing main

Set the main deb repos to unstable, and the slimdevices to testing.

Now do the following to add the gpg key for amule's packages to your keyring:

# gpg --keyserver --recv 50D0AE60
# gpg -a --export 50D0AE60 > /tmp/key
# apt-key add /tmp/key

Manually download and install libcrypto++5.2c2a since apt can't do it with the sources we have.

$ wget
# dpkg -i libcrypto++5.2c2a_5.2.1c2a-3_i386.deb

Now update your sources and do the install like so:
# aptitude update
# aptitude install -s amule

As ALWAYS, make sure you use the -s (simulate) switch the first time through when using apt-get or aptitude to make sure it doesn't wanna do anything crazy to your system. When you're ready to do the actual install, remove the -s and re-issue the command:

# aptitude install amule

Here is the key to getting it to work with R5.5: when aptitude finishes, issue the following:

ln /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

That should be it. Run amule simply by opening up a shell under X and type the command amule like so:

$ amule

It's recommended that you install an IPblocking software to help protect your privacy. See my HOWTO: Install Moblock on R5.5 if you wanna give moblock a try.

Amule wiki page on the installation of amule on Debian/Ubuntu.
Post that clued me into the broken lib fix.
Port forwarding guide.

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