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Myth TV used as a Athletic Video REcorder system
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Author:  Apollo69 [ Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Myth TV used as a Athletic Video REcorder system

I'm trying to set up a video recorder system for a Gymnastics arena. The Hardware I have in mind is this:

12 total of the following:
--TVs mounted on the walls in various locations in the building.
--camera's mounted close to the TV.
--small ITX type PCs mounted to the TV (with Hard drive)
*10 of these DO NOT need live TV (channel or EPG usage)
*2 of these may need live TV support - so I assume 1 needs to be a Backend Server? These would be used for the Kids play area.

All of these should record video from a their respective Camera and then allow delayed playback at the same station or streamed to another location. Also, prerecorded video on a server location or on the actual PCs needs to be available for playback. The I don't want Live TV to show up on 8 of the units. Can the main page be edited so only Recordings and Videos show up? Also, I want to be able to possibly record only during motion. Is this possible? I know this sounds like a Security system, but I can not view Videos on a Security system. If this works, it would give me a lot of flexibility.

If anyone has better ideas on my setup, or can help with my configuration, I am all ears. Thanks

Author:  akulcsar [ Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

MythTV is not, exactly, designed with this type of thing in mind.

In order for a machine to record, it needs to be a backend. So, each of your television/camera/computer arrangements needs to be a backend (probably all slave backends, with one master backend hanging out somewhere).

In order to prevent real television to appear on the televisions in the gym, you would need two separate installations - one for the "security" cameras, the other for the kids' room.

I would set a manual schedule for each camera, record every hour for one hour, ad infinitum. Auto-expire will be your friend. Otherwise, your disks will fill quickly. Record-on-motion really is not possible in MythTV.

Otherwise, this arrangement definitely is possible...and might even work well. I would suggest starting with two cameras/television/computers plus a master backend computer, try it out, and then expand if it meets your needs.

You also might want to look into ZoneMinder. There is a plugin in MythTV to work with ZoneMinder, but using ZoneMinder in of itself might be a more direct route for you. ZoneMinder, while web-based, has exactly your scenario in mind.

Good luck...and holler if you have any questions!

Author:  Gnarl [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

sounds like zonemindermay be an option to look into.

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