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Moved- New Cable Company - How do I keep old recordings?
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Author:  davej45 [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Moved- New Cable Company - How do I keep old recordings?

My LinHES has been sitting in the closet since my move, but the cable company DVR just doesn't cut it after using Knoppmyth for years at my previous home.

I want to get it back up and running, but am unsure as to how to reconfigure for the new cable company (Comcast) and still keep the old recordings (Charter).

A couple of major questions come to mind-

1) The old system was running F27, should I go ahead and upgrade to R6?

2) Do I need to keep both channel lineups (the old location (zip code & cable company) as well as add the new channel lineups?

3) Old system had 1 MBE and 2 FE's. The MBE ran 24/7 with the FE's only on when watching recorded shows. I am thinking I can reduce to 1 MBE/FE and 1 SBE/FE, with both machines only powering on as needed for recording and/or viewing. Is this feasible, and if so, how difficult will it be to get them to power up in time for scheduled recordings? When using a SBE, does the MBE also have to power up when a recording is scheduled?

4) Currently everything is set up to only record analog SD recordings, but I am thinking of adding at least one digital QAM tuner as well. How will this affect performance if I install a QAM cable tuner into the MBE, particularly during times when it is recording and playing back previous recordings at the same time? The current configuration of the MBE can handle 4 tuners (PVR-150's) recording simultaneously with no problem. If I add playback and a QAM tuner, how much will that tax the hardware? I have no problem with reducing the tuners in the MBE and/or moving them into the SBE instead.

Lots more questions as well, but the main concern is saving the old shows, and incorporating them into the new setup/location.

Did a search, but can't seem to find anything that seems to address this, although a search for 'moving' brings up tons of hits, they all seem to reference moving to a larger hard drive.

Offhand my thoughts are that I should keep the existing setup pretty much as is, and do whatever I need to do to convert to the new location/cable provider. I am assuming this is as simple as adding the new channel lineups, and re-assigning them to the tuners instead of using the old lineups. And I would no doubt have to delete all previous scheduled recordings and set up new ones. Will I have to always keep the old lineups from the old cable company in order to access the old recordings, or will the database continue to handle them if I no longer update the old cable lineup?

After that is solved, I could/would consider making the changes to upgrade to R6, and add the SBE/FE instead of using 1 MBE and 2 FE's.

Lastly would come setting them up so they could power down when idle, and power up as needed for recording or viewing.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I want my LinHES back up and running!


Author:  tophee [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:43 pm ]
Post subject: 


Your old recordings should be intact despite your move to a new area. The metadata associated with the physical data in your /myth/tv is independent to your channel listings. Your shows and their details will remain, unaffected by deleting your channels in myth-setup.

I would just go into myth-setup and delete your old input connections and channels an recreate it all but to be using the content provided by your cable company.

I use Mythwelcome for switching my media centre on for recordings - it is great. Easy to set up too on R6.

So, in my opinion answers to your questions are:

1. Yes (with a good backup)
2. No (as above)
3. Don't know, but MythWelcome works great for powering up /off a combined FE/BE, but not sure about a SBE.
4. Don't know. Though I don't think recording HD content is so taxing, but the playback does hit an underpowered system hard. Unless you use VDPAU.

Good luck. And perhaps get a second opinion first :roll:

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