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KnoppMyth and DVB
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Author:  the-FoX [ Tue Mar 09, 2004 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  KnoppMyth and DVB


as far as i've recognized, there is a possibility to use DVB cards with knoppmyth ? i have installed knoppmyth on my pc with hauppauge wintv analog card and hauppauge dvb-c card. the analog one is working but sometimes the system crashes, when zapping (still searching for the reason).

but can anyone please tell me how to configure and use the dvb-c card with knoppmyth ?

so far: KnoppMyth is great work ;-) it's fantastic


Author:  Xsecrets [ Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

I have heard some succes with the dvb cards, but knoppmyth is not set up with all the drivers etc to get them working from a clean install, as the devs are in the us and have nowhere to get a dvb signal, I'm sure if someone wanted to work with them they would be happy to get better support for the dvb cards "out of the box"

that said I'm pretty sure there are a few threads about the dvb cards on the forums try doing a search.

Author:  martynah [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  KnoppMyth and DVB

Short Answer:

1. DVB cards DO work with Myth
2. Building the DVB drivers in Knoppmyth has so far defeated me.

Longer answer:

I have myth 0.14 working with a Hauppage (sp?) DVB card called WinTV Nova-T. This is a terrestrial digital card which I've read you can get in Australia and some parts of europe as well as the UK. I couldnt get knoppmyth to build the dvb drivers (1.1 rel) so I gave up and installed a redhat back-end from scratch and built everything myself.

You need to compile DVB support into the myth build (, and rebuild the myth binaries with it (mainly affects mythbackend I think) from the stock myth source download.

After that it's pretty much a case of loading your channels into myth using the myth-setup (or setup) app, you need to have a list of them. You also need to download and build the dvb kernal module drivers as well, from, and get the modules inserted and running.

I'm not sure which card you're using, but I'd check to see if its supported. if it is then go for it.

I found a very useful guide ( on the net which helped me get running, but it depends on your card.

Cesman, could you consider compiling the DVB support into myth when distributing the knoppmyth distro?, if you did this, and included the dvb driver from above then it would be much easier to integrate dvb cards into knoppmyth, people would just need to add the channels.. (I say just, see below)

I assume the DVB support is not in there by default because it breaks the PVR-xxx support or something?, perhaps not.


(Word of warning)-> The linuxtv driver and myth are still not particularily good friends, if you get a bad data-stream it can kill your backend, if you put in duff channel data it goes nuts (e.g backend terminates immediatley), hopefully the newer release of ivtv and future builds of myth will be better buddies, but it's worth the pain as the picture quality is excellent compared to analogue.

Anyone in the UK managed to get Channel 5 working on the Crystal Palace multiplexes?, I cant get it at all, even in Window$ with the card.

Author:  cesman [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Of course, I'd consider it... I've asked several times what needs to be done in ordered to compile DVB support, but no one has stepped up. With only two of use working on KnoppMyth(in our spare time), it would be helpful if someone wanted a feature they would provide more information.

Author:  martynah [ Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  DVB for KnoppMyth

About 5 minutes after posting that I thought 'Hell. I should be voulenteering to do this, after all I have gone through the pain'.

Take that as a step up. I just need some time to put another hdd in my box, I will then do a virgin install from R4V2 on it, then it will be pretty accurate, as my work to get the RH 9 box working was on a different kernel version (older) and an older IVTV driver.

Gimme a little while to set that up and I'll write a doc.


Author:  cesman [ Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Mart! Community support, gotta love!

Author:  red3211 [ Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

:D Hi,

Did this ever get any further. I have been struggling through this.
To answer the question, what do we need:

Either 2.6.1 > kernel, or linuxtv-dvb drivers and 2.4. (22 ?) to give support for DVB. (I have got this far, I can watch TV on my Linux PC :? )

To get MythTV to work with the card you need....

This is all stolen directly from: Martin Smith (?) This was a great help.

Mythtv compiled with this uncommented in

#DVB support
CONFIG += using_dvb
INCLUDEPATH += /opt/DVB-Kernel/dvb-kernel/linux/include

The include path depends on whether you are using LinuxTV-dvb drivers or 2.6 kernel. Check out page 3 of the link above

hope this helps you on the way to a DVB enabled Knoppmyth. (and can I have 2 weeks of my life back please :wink: )

:roll: Doh just realised that this is all said more clearly in a previous post !

Author:  red3211 [ Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Quick update;
I have now got mythtv up and running using my VisionPlus / Twinhan DVB-T card.

Knoppmyth is brilliant, but does not currently support DVB drivers, and Myth is compiled without DVB support

I started with Knoppmyth, and upgraded the kernel from 2.4.21 which does not (acording to the linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1 readme) support those drivers to 2.6.4 which has them built in, and recompiled Myth with DVB support.

In a little more detail:

The twinhan card includes the bt878 chip. On a system with a twinhan card, Knoppix autohardware detection and setup loads the "old" bttv driver, which hard locks the PC :cry: .

I removed pysically the card and installed Knoppmyth.
I commented out bttv in the /etc/modules file
and updated the kernel (apt-get install kernel-image ....) to 2.4.24 which should have supported the linuxdvb drivers, but I could not get that to work. So I went the whole hog and moved to 2.6.4. From 2.6.1 the kernel has native support for DVB (contains the same drivers as linuxtv-dvb-1.1.x).
The 2.6 Kernel is quite different, so the upgrade broke a few key things on Knoppmyth, such as the Mouse, but a modprobe mousedev brought that back.

The DVB card was then loaded with
modprobe bttv card=0x71 i2c_hw=1
modprobe dvb-bt8xx
modprobe dst

At this stage Knoppmyyth recognised the card, and under mythtv-setup you can get as far as capture card DVB setup, and the card is recognised. However you are then told you need to recompile with DVB support (by Myth).

I could not work out how to recompile the source supplied in /home/mythtv/r4v2_src , as it has no makefile or debian directory, and I wa snow way out of my depth. So I dounloaded the source using
apt-get source mythtv

I also downloaded and unpacked linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1 to /usr/src

I then edited the file in the myth source directory to;

#DVB support
CONFIG += using_dvb
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/src/linuxtv-dvb-1.1.1/linux/include

and ran
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b

which will produce a number of debian packages for myth -backend myth -common myth-database etc.

then use
dpkg -i filename.deb

to install where filenam.deb is of course the individual packages names.

After a quick reboot ( I am used to using win2000 :P ) I was then able to configure the DVB card, and off I went !

[ This brief story maskes a harrowing tale of weeks of frustration and persistance :lol: }

A lot of the nice extra bits are now lost, with the autoupdate of hardware mostly broken, and the extra page of Knoppmyth buttons including Motion and backup is also lost.

I am also unable to get both my DVB card with and my old bt848 cards working at the same time. I need to load the old bt848 with "pll=1" and if I do this after loading the, it is ignored, and if I do it first, (before modprobe card=0x71 for the twinhan) the PC locks. The upgrade to 2.6.4 seems to have broken the /etc/mythtv/modules/bttv0 stuff.

As you can see there are lots of bits I dont understand, but what I did gave me a basically working system. If you want to play before the "professional" version of knoppmyth that does it all for you comes out, I hope the previous description was of some help.

Author:  nigelpearson [ Tue May 11, 2004 11:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

A fairly detailed HowTo is available here:

Author:  ludovic [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Hauppauge Nexus-s

I got a regular Hauppauge nexus DVB-S card working with regular knoppix after adding kernel sources and compiling dvb-s driver code
for SAA7146 chip. (debian 2.4.22 kernel.)

:wink: I was wondering how I could compile that same DVB-s driver
with knoppmyth ? Any gotcha ?


Author:  cesman [ Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Look above the post you made...

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