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Media playing and "Casting" without internet connection
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Author:  Girkers [ Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Media playing and "Casting" without internet connection

I am working on an idea for a media player for work however there are certain restrictions that make it a little out of the ordinary.

Currently we have a Hard Drive plugged into the side of the TV and use the inbuilt media player to play content, however with the proliferation of streaming platforms my co-workers are looking for a way they can cast from their phones to the TV. The biggest issue we don't have an internet connection at work and we can't get one.

This being the case my first idea was a Pi running Kodi this would support the first part of my requirement, media player but fails on the part of the cast target. Then I have recently been reading up on the nVidia Shield TV Pro and found that they too can be a media player for local content using the built in Plex Media Server, I know it well thanks LinHES, and it has the option of being a Chromecast.

This brings up a couple of questions:
    *can the Shield work as a Chromecast without an internet connection?
    *With the Kodi I could connect a phone via USB to provide internet access to allow the downloading of metadata, how would this be done on the Shield?

I am open to other ideas, be interested to hear what folks how to offer.

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