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EITScanner running too often
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Author:  tuatara [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  EITScanner running too often

My EIT data seems to be updating an awful lot - causing the /var/log/mysql logs to get very big and causing me to run out of space on '/'.

As an example: I have about 6 or 7 DVB channels. One of them is numbered 1025.
cd /var/log/mythbackend
grep EITScanner mythbackend.log | grep 1025
2008-03-03 21:54:58.753 EITScanner: Now looking for EIT data on multiplex of channel 1025
2008-03-03 21:57:58.076 EITScanner: Now looking for EIT data on multiplex of channel 1025
2008-03-03 22:00:57.137 EITScanner: Now looking for EIT data on multiplex of channel 1025
2008-03-03 22:03:56.027 EITScanner: Now looking for EIT data on multiplex of channel 1025
2008-03-03 22:06:55.486 EITScanner: Now looking for EIT data on multiplex of channel 1025

Each channel runs every 3 minutes - or one every 30 seconds.
Each run inserts a load of data into SQL, causing lots of log entries in /var/log/mysql.
(3 MB in the last 15 minutes).

Is this normal? How does one reduce the frequency?
I've set it to run when the backend is idle for 5 minutes.
As an aside - can I reduce the volume of logging?


Author:  mad_paddler [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:14 am ]
Post subject: 

What version of knoppmyth are you running? I used to have the same problem with an older version. To fix it, i just linked the log file to /dev/null

Author:  tuatara [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  EIT Data too frequent

Hi There,

Sorry for the slow reponse - made the /dev/null change and it worked. But then my HDD crashed. So I upgraded to R5F27 - which has been a long drawn out drama, lots of issues for my EPIA MII12000 box - via vs openchrome, lirc, font sizes/X DPI, xine still fails to load XvMC etc etc etc ).

So I can confirm that R5F27 doesn't have mysql set to log everything, so the log files are generally 0.

However the EIT data fetch is still happening very frequently, and that is causing mythbackend and mysql to each rise to 20-30% CPU for periods ranging from a few seconds to 20 or more.

That causes TV and Video playback to stutter regularly.

Any thoughts?

p.s. For people in NZ, if you have been using a PVR-x50 to record TV, you have probably left it at the default max resolution/bitrate, and get about 2GB/hour recording. DVB-S has started, and with a Hauppauge Nova-S Plus (cheapie DVB-S encoder card) I get 4GB/hour - double the bit rate. Thats pushing the CPU on my MII12000 up to 60-70% on playback, even with Openchrome and XvMC enabled).

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