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Oh crud what did I do to her Knoppmyth box now?
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Author:  bigbro [ Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Oh crud what did I do to her Knoppmyth box now?

Long Post_Some are going to get a good laugh!

Here is the background.
I just started fresh on R5.5 due to an LVM loss. My fault.
Well anyway I did manage to have a backup of all the xvid I had crunched. More on that in a bit.

As a startup I built R5.5 on the original Pata 320 as I was initially hopefully to recover some of the lost content.
Well that was a no joy and the wife just said it isn't that important for you to spend so much time on so just start over.

So I started from that original Pata 320 and added 2 sata 320's out of the original lvm. I just recently got the storage groups working correctly and I now had /myth/tv; /myth/tv1; /myth/tv2 and a brand new 750gig sata as /myth/tv3

All was working well. I was capturing the usual daily tv routines, and also archiving some old content for my son.

The disks had filled as follows /myth/tv = 40% free; /myth/tv1 = 40% free; /myth/tv2 = 40% free and the newly added /myth/tv3 was at 98% free.

Well I started out last night by moving all the content on /myth/tv over to /myth/tv3. everything updated as intended and that left /myth/tv = 99% free and /myth/tv3 = ~75%

So all was good. I subsequently did two things. 1) I transferred 120 gig of stored xvid content off my backup drive back to /myth/video. That all worked and I had her movies back. woohoo!!

Then I remembered reading one of the topics here about preserving space for my videos, et al content like music. So I went to the location in the Setup screen Setup > TV Settings > General > 2nd screen-General(Auto Expire) and I set Extra Disk Space to the maximum 200gig setting. Figured I have like 800 gigabyte of space free yet and none of the disks are struggling as in close to full. I have 100 plus gigs free on any of them and Myth is smart!

Well I finished that setting around 945am today and went to do some morning chores and then comeback to getting another function working.

This evening I find that I now have like 1.1Tb of free space.
I panic. I see that all my videos are on the /myth/tv = 52% free(same as before) /myth/tv1 = 70% free ; /myth/tv2 = 95% free ; /myth/tv3 = 73% free.

I am really panicking now, because several shows she watches I know were on those drives and I am about to take another trip (she watches most of these when I am away)

I dig around in the logs and find that about 10am this morning. The MBE started auto expiring shows. and it autoexpired a bunch of stuff. Basically everything I lost clearly.

The good news is I am probably going to get a way to back up the captures.

Unfortunately that stuff is gone. I can't for the life of me figure out why, given I had so much free space on all the drives.
I do know that if the primary drive that houses "Myth" were full it would start expiring there. But there was even plenty of space there. Not the 200gig I set it for but more like 110gig.

Anybody dug into how this works to gander as to why this happened.
I am more documenting this for others and so I don't do it one more time.

Author:  bigbro [ Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well in looking at what got "Expired" and what didn't I think I have an idea what happened.

As I was setting up the Disks for the Storage Groups due to my schedule and schedule captures it took a long time to get there. During this time the primary disk kept getting very full as 2 SBE tuners could only write to it and the main tuner could write to any of 3 tuners. So to help my space issues, I would move some of the recordings from the main disk to the other two. Once pretty had ran then those items were typically available to watch.

What seems to have happened: When Auto Expire was told to start expiring programs it seems to have used the initial location where the program had been captured to as a reference and when it determined that say Knight Rider on 11/15 should be expired it did that and removed it from whereever it happened to be now.

I determined this because I seem to have captures from 2weeks ago that were recorded on the other two disks initially but I lost several captures that were intially on Disk 1 and i had moved. Like Knight Rider 11/8 and 11/22.

So I guess what I have stumbled across is somewhere in the Myth DB it keeps the original captured location and the utilities the reserved disk space somehow looked at that to set things in motion.

Maybe a utility/script to reset that location would have been in order.
My bad.....

Author:  Girkers [ Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:07 am ]
Post subject: 

This is an interesting read, thanks for sharing. You could probably go over to the gossamer threads and they may have more info on this for you, if no one can help you here.

Author:  goofee [ Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

When I move recordings from SBE to MBE for storage I run
UPDATE recorded SET hostname='newhost' WHERE hostname='oldhost';

to update the database. I see there is also a field in that table called storagegroup that would track where the file is stored. I only have one group so can't say what happens in there.
I would guess that when it expired something to try to make more space in storage group 'A' , it erased from storage group 'B', which didn't make any more room in storage group 'A' so it continued expiring till room was made.
Why would it be able to erase it from storage 'B' if it's looking for it in storage 'A'?
Just thinking out loud. Don't have any answers.

Author:  bigbro [ Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Everything in the Recorded Table in the Storage Group column is "Default"
That makes sense since the Default Storage group contains
/myth/tv, /myth/tv1, /myth/tv2, /myth/tv3

Now to find the table that contains the info for the storage groups.

Goofee, you ponder the same question as I do.
These were all on the MBE in the various locations.
The only thing I had done previously was manually move some recordings from /myth/tv to say /myth/tv1 etc.

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