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Recording Thru Daylight Savings Time Transition
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Author:  Zzyzwicz [ Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Recording Thru Daylight Savings Time Transition

Am I going to have any problems recording a one hour show at 1:30 AM Sunday morning the day that Daylight Saving Time starts? They schedule Lost re-runs at this time.

I’m running R5.5. and my system clock is set to UTC.

Author:  jmckeown2 [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:39 am ]
Post subject: 

KM will change the clock automatically at the correct time, assuming you selected the correct timezone during install. -- So don't mess with the clock.
All should be well

The catch is: Is the show scheduled correctly?

Author:  paulsid [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Got curious about this too so I checked my Guides. MythWeb and MythTV show the changeover differently.

In MythWeb it doesn't even show the 2am hour, it just goes 01:30 AM 01:45 AM 03:00 AM 03:15 AM. Most stations are okay but some say NO DATA from 3am to 3:30 or 4am - the hour after the change.

In MythTV it shows 2am-3am and most stations say Unknown, but some have shows running through all or part way. The stations with shows through this hour turn out to be exactly the same ones with NO DATA at 3am in MythWeb.

I believe the MythWeb guide is the correct view to look at in terms of what's actually going to happen. I have a show that's shown as recording from 1am-3am, but it's only an hour-long show. Really threw me at first until I thought about it - the clock changes from 1:59:59 to 3:00:00 and the show ends, so I think it's right. However on one of the NO DATA stations (where the listing runs through the skipped hour) I see a movie starting at 1:30 ending at 3:00, but that's only a half hour later, so I wouldn't want to rely on that recording!

It looks like any station with a recording crossing the changeover is a NO DATA station - unless it's so long that it runs after 4am, but then it's very abbreviated. So if you really want to record the particular show that spans the time change, and your listing looks wrong, then I suggest (temporarily) altering the profile to record a half-hour (or more) after the end of the schedule. There's a setting for this in the recording setup... normally it's used for things like sports that have a good chance of running long.

Sigh, I wish they'd just get rid of DST and save us all these many headaches...

Author:  nerdful_things [ Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Didn't realize Canada changed DST too. Thougt it was our previous administration.
Think of how bad this is for astronomers, losing evening viewing time for those that have to get up early for work, or for after school, scout astronomy field trips.
Meant to add this: Does a motherboard not connected to nts jump to DST? Is an older board dated wrong by the recent change? What a mess.

Author:  Zzyzwicz [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

The listing showed my show as a 1 hour show starting at 1:30

I recorded the primary HD channel with an extra hour added to Scheduled End Time and everything worked right.

As an experiment, I recorded the secondary SD channel with the default Scheduled End Time and it stopped recording at 2:00 AM.

So, it is best to add an hour to any program recorded at the transition to DST.

Author:  Zzyzwicz [ Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now, that the Fall Time change has occurred I thought I’d write down what I observed for future reference.

I set Myth to record a half hour program at 1:30AM and it did the following:

- It started to record at 1:30AM
- The second after 1:59:59 AM time gets sent back to 1 AM. Myth keeps recording.
- At the second 1:30 AM Myth just keeps on recording the show from the first 1:30 AM. (I was worried that it might do something like start recording a second copy of the show with the same name on top of the first recording, it didn’t.)
- When the clock finally reaches 2:00 AM Myth stops recording and the file is 1 and a half hours long instead of a half hour.

If I had set Myth to stop recording early by say 1 minute I think I would have gotten a 29 minute file and Myth still would not over write the file at the second 1:30 AM. It’s hard to get Myth to record multiple times on the same channel in the same half hour. A while back, some station was showing a Three Stooges marathon and the schedule had each 15 or 20 minute episode listed separately. Myth recorded the first 15 minute episode then refused to record the second one in the same half hour. I had to wait for the next half hour and then change the recording so it recorded one big file for 2 hours.
I think I might have been able to get it to work by recording with “Watch Live TV” but I didn’t think of it at the time.

Anyway, The bottom line is that recording at the Fall Time Change will work but You’ll get an extra Hour.

Author:  cliffsjunk [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

And when you order your pizza for pickup at 1:30am during the fall DST they should ask you "which 1:30am?" In the spring they should tell you that it is not possible.

In MythTV, in the fall there are two 1:30's with two different shows.

In the spring there are no 1:30's so it is just a matter of a correct schedule. A one hour show starting at 1:30 ends at 3:30, not 2:30.

We should get rid of DST. It has been proven to be a farce that doesn't actually save anything and it horribly complicates the programming and the user end of everything related to time.

While we are at it, let's get rid of proportional fonts and lobbyists and require that politicians that don't keep promises are put in jail... (sorry about that)


Author:  paulsid [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

cliffsjunk wrote:
We should get rid of DST. It has been proven to be a farce that doesn't actually save anything and it horribly complicates the programming and the user end of everything related to time.

At my first job it cost in the order of $20000 to do each time change on the mainframes, because they don't support time zones natively and the operations are 24/7. The IT people had to come in for 2am and coordinate with the operational staff. It's not a lot of cash to the company (especially when shutting down for an hour would mean a solid six-figure revenue loss) but that's still a lot of money just to change a clock.

To keep things on topic, I suppose to avoid any DST-related issues one could run one's MythTV box on pure UTC and just adjust for it in your head when scheduling stuff. Most people's brains cope with time zone issues way better than computers do.

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