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Sometimes frontend launches in standby mode
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Author:  knappster [ Sun May 06, 2018 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Sometimes frontend launches in standby mode

I've only noticed this since updating to mythtv 8.5.1 and it's completely minor, but I thought I'd post about it anyway just to be thorough. I use mythwelcome to automatically shutdown and wakeup my system. Sometimes when I start my frontend, it is in standby mode, even though it is disabled in the settings. The frontend never goes into standby from being idle, it only happens randomly on bootup. I'm curious if anybody else is experiencing this in mythtv 29 or if it's just me? All I have to do is press the exit button and it goes back to the frontend, so as I said it is really minor.

File comment: Settings screenshot
mythtv idle timeout (Small).PNG
mythtv idle timeout (Small).PNG [ 246.82 KiB | Viewed 71758 times ]
File comment: Standby screenshot
mythtv standby(2).png
mythtv standby(2).png [ 196.66 KiB | Viewed 71758 times ]

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