LinHES Forums

Future of Linhes
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Author:  Big boy stan [ Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Future of Linhes

First off, I love knoppmyth/linhes and have had an active system for over 7 years. This is not meant to be a criticism of anyone or any plan. I am in complete awe and appreciation for all that the major (and minor) contributors have done here. However, I'm also curious as to what the short/long term outlook is for the project. I, like many others, am a bit of a victim of Linhes's success in that I have a system that works very very well these days and my family "relies" on it (at least as much as anyone can rely on TV). I really fear their wrath and so move a bit slower these days then with Knoppmyth R5. With that said...

Can someone give us all a quick update on the future plans for Linhes? Version 7.4 was announced over a year ago and I think that version 8 is still labeled as testing only. Also it seems like because of the new file structure, that version 8 is almost forked from the legacy versions. Is version 8 the future? Is version 8.0 considered production ready today?

Also I think I read that MythTV Version 26 was being intentionally skipped due to some major issues. Is that true?

I would love to hear a bit about the vision of the dev's. I apologize if some of these answer are scattered around the forum.

Author:  sparks [ Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of Linhes

I have similar feelings about the project. The fact that this is the first response (and not and official one) after several days of posting and scores of views does not seem to bode well for the project. I realize these guys have jobs, families, etc but at least be up front if LinHES is not going to be maintained or give some kind of status on progress. Like the OP I like LinHes. I think think it is easily the best MythTV distro. I just want to know what the future is.


Author:  tama103 [ Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of Linhes

Mythtv in general seems to have lost a lot of steam. My thought is the desire to roll your own DVR has been diminished to the variety of streaming options out there. Online DVRs and live TV streamers like Aereo are becoming really attractive for many people as well.

I personally love mythtv and xbmc. I was drawn to Linhes because of the appliance piece, which is exactly what I was looking for. I also knew nothing about Linux when starting back in 2007.

XBMC and Plex seem to be the only popular options these days among HTPC owners, I just wish the TV/DVR features were more integrated. If If I knew how run XBMC 12 on top of Linhes 7.4, I would. And I would be using XBMC as a dedicated frontend since it is so beautiful and intuitive.

Author:  brfransen [ Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of Linhes

R8 is the future of LinHES. As has been announced in other places R8 is 64-bit only and also has a new partition layout. Therefore, R8 requires a clean install and the MythTV database and recording/videos/etc can be restored as detailed in ... _R7X_to_R8

The plan is to keep R8 at MythTV 0.25-fixes to ease the transition from R7.4 to R8. LinHES is skipping MythTV 0.26 due to issues with live TV and some tuners. R8.1 will be moving to MythTV 0.27-fixes.

Yes, R8 is production ready and I have been using it as such for more than 6 months with the stable repos on multiple machines. The testing repos have some updates and bug fixes that have not yet been pushed to stable. If you want to keep tabs on what is changing with LinHES take a look at or subscribe to the commits mailing list:

The following is, of course, completely dependent on if any show stopper bugs are uncovered and the devs work and family lives. That said hopefully in the next few weeks R8 will be released. A new R8 iso will be posted and testing repos will be moved to the stable repos. The testing repos will then start seeing commits for what will become R8.1.

Author:  mattbatt [ Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Future of Linhes

thanks brfransen I wanted to get R8 installed before the new fall shows showed up. Looks like I might be a little too late for that.

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