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Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle
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Author:  mattbatt [ Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle

OK so in trying to figure out my other problem I noticed in a couple of the log files that defrag wasn't running and neither were backups because the system has not been "Idle".
How do I figure out what is keeping defrag from running? I have no apps open and MythTV is on the home menu screen.

Author:  bgrant3406 [ Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle

Sounds like you have a program showing as in-use.

Basically you log into MySQL and delete the entry from the table.

Here are some notes, replace the ???? In the last statement with chanid shown, repeat for all programs shown, basically you redo the last two steps below to identify, then clear the table.

Clear inuseprograms table blocking maintenance
[mythtv@mbe ~]$sudo mysql
mysql> use mythconverg;
mysql> select * from inuseprograms;
mysql> DELETE FROM inuseprograms WHERE chanid = ????;


Author:  mattbatt [ Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle

Well it didn't take on the first try I had to go into the Job Queue and delete commflag job and then I waited 10 minutes and it didn't run because I was in the Job Queue and not on the main menu, So I exited to the main menu and waited 10 minutes an then Myth_MTC ran for the first time in months.

Author:  mattbatt [ Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle

whelp I had to do this again.

Author:  knappster [ Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cron jobs can't run, LinHES is never Idle

I remember having similar inexplicable issues. If I am not mistaken, the inuseprograms will EVENTUALLY clear out automatically, but I don't remember finding the source of the problem. It might be useful to have a script to notify you if something is stuck in the table. If anyone knows the typical behavior, it would help for coming up with the parameters that are abnormal.

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