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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:45 pm 
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 am
Posts: 58
Location: Victoria, BC
My system is very old - I think I've been using KnoppMyth since the earliest versions. "Total Running Time: 9 years 19 days 11 hrs 42 mins". Until recently - it was running LinHES 7.4. With the Schedules Direct changes coming soon - I figured I should get busy and upgrade to 8.2

The 7.4 to 8.0 upgrade didn't go too smoothly. I tested the upgrade a week before performing it on my production system and the main issue was that my mythconverg database was so large, I had to import it on the command line. The web interface method appeared to fail - without an error. But when it was imported on the command line, it took a long time but appeared to work fine.

Then when I tired my proven steps on my production system - the 8.0 installer would fail during configuration. Something would happen to the lower section of the X windows screen and unintelligible text would scroll around on the lower half of the screen - then lock up. No xterm, no console access.

I ended up using the hard drive from the test platform to run the production system and it worked for the most part. A few kernel panics here and there - but it has been working since last weekend.

So - I move to the next step: 8.0 to 8.1, with no love. I performed a backup, copied it a few places to ensure I have it off the system, moved the index.html file and ran pacman -Syu

I answered several questions (Y), but it eventually failed:

[root@mythtv ~]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace dbus-core with core/dbus? [Y/n]
:: Replace khrplatform-devel with core/mesa? [Y/n]
:: Replace libegl with core/mesa? [Y/n]
:: Replace libgl with core/mesa-libgl? [Y/n]
:: Replace libglapi with core/mesa? [Y/n]
:: Replace libsystemd with core/systemd? [Y/n]
warning: lirc: local (1:0.9.0-34) is newer than core (0.9.0-73)
warning: lirc-utils: local (1:0.9.0-34) is newer than core (0.9.0-73)
:: Replace lzo2 with core/lzo? [Y/n]
:: Replace nss-myhostname with core/systemd? [Y/n]
:: Replace pyopenssl with core/python2-pyopenssl? [Y/n]
:: Replace python-pexpect with core/python2-pexpect? [Y/n]
:: Replace systemd-tools with core/systemd? [Y/n]
:: Replace sysvinit-tools with core/procps-ng? [Y/n]
warning: tdb: local (1:1.2.9-1) is newer than core (1.3.0-2)
resolving dependencies...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: poweroff-scripts will be installed before its runit dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: php-gd will be installed before its php dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: php-mcrypt will be installed before its php dependency
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: systemd-sysvcompat and sysvinit are in conflict. Remove sysvinit? [y/N] y
:: python2-pillow and python-imaging are in conflict. Remove python-imaging? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: lirc: requires linux<3.7

I'm not sure how the dependency issue came up - the system has not had any other updates since it's been running (from Saturday). I'm worried that if I try an ISO update - the system may not be usable after a failure. At least with Pacman - I can just restart the backend and keep on happily recording...

Any ideas?


PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:15 pm 
Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:12 pm
Posts: 1194
Location: SC
The dep issues are coming from R8.2 being declared final and have been pushed to the core and extra release repos. To update in place to R8.2 you need to use the script as described at Updating from R8.0 should, in theory, work with the script but it has had very limited testing. Upgrading from the iso from R8.0 to R8.2 should work as well. Either way you will want to run mythtv-setup to update your database due to the mythtv .25 to .27 update. Upgrading (not Full Install) from the either the R8.1 or R8.2 iso will only erase the OS (sda1) partition. The database, home and all other data partitions and drives will not be touched.

If you do want to update to R8.1 you will have to do that via the iso or change your repos to core.r8.1 and extra.r8.1.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 5:42 pm 
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 am
Posts: 58
Location: Victoria, BC

I was actually thinking that may have been the case - but I assumed (!) that since the upgrade method said to use Pacman to go from 8.0 to 8.1 and to use the script to go from 8.1 to 8.2, I thought that they would work independently of each other...

I origianlly thought I'd have been to 8.1 before 8.2 went final - but my problems with the 7.4 to 8.0 slowed me down a fair bit...

I want to ensure the update completes successfully - so I'll have to choose which direction to go in... I may update to 8.1 with the ISO and then use the script...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:52 pm 
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 am
Posts: 58
Location: Victoria, BC
I was ultimately successful - but it was a long process! I thought I'd update the thread with my findings...

The 8.0 installer kept crashing during the configuring process - when I tried the VNC option, it completed without any issues!

Then I upgraded to 8.1 using a CD. The install completed properly - but would shutdown early in the boot process every time... The system appeared pooched...

I decided that I had little to lose - so I did an upgrade to 8.2 (again using a CD) and the boot issue sorted itself out. The database schema update started and took a long time to finish, but completed successfully.

Once I had things running again - I added all of the existing recording drives back in (13 TB! - yeah, I know. I need to start watching TV, not just recording it!) and I noticed that skipping forward and back didn't work! During the investigation, I tried to edit a recording and was greeted with an error - "no seektable". It seemed to be missing (or out of sync - I'm not sure, I just wanted it fixed) on every recording from before the update.

I found a method to re-create the seektable using mythtranscode and that seemed to work well as a "User Job", but I had no easy way to run that on EVERY recording. So I ultimately used a script that traversed each storage group and regenerated the seektable for each mpg file:

mythtranscode --mpeg2 --buildindex --allkeys --infile

The system was horribly unstable and sluggish. I started looking through the logs - an older Seagate drive was throwing ATA errors! I was able to recover the drive's contents and it's been running reasonably well ever since!

It took quite a while - but all's when that ends well!

I really like some of the added features of 8! Unfortunately - I'm firmly in the "if it's not broken" camp - but I paid for that big time on this round...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:52 pm 
Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:12 pm
Posts: 1194
Location: SC
Glad you got there!

RobTheGob wrote:
I found a method to re-create the seektable using mythtranscode and that seemed to work well as a "User Job", but I had no easy way to run that on EVERY recording. So I ultimately used a script that traversed each storage group and regenerated the seektable for each mpg file:

mythtranscode --mpeg2 --buildindex --allkeys --infile

Since you had it as a User Job already you could do it from the Myth UI by adding all the programs to a playlist (highlight All Programs then menu and select Add this Group to Playlist) then run the User Job (menu Playlist Options -> Job Options --> Your User Job).

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:00 pm 
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 am
Posts: 58
Location: Victoria, BC
brfransen wrote:
Glad you got there!

Since you had it as a User Job already you could do it from the Myth UI by adding all the programs to a playlist (highlight All Programs then menu and select Add this Group to Playlist) then run the User Job (menu Playlist Options -> Job Options --> Your User Job).


See - you can learn something everyday!


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