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MythPhone Crash Fixes for Myth 0.17 / KnoppMyth R5A10
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Author:  memswiler [ Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  MythPhone Crash Fixes for Myth 0.17 / KnoppMyth R5A10

MythPhone as compiled with the deb included in R5A10 will crash in two places (I've found so far.)

To prevent these crashes, unpack the source code, switch to the source directory, perform the following edits, recompile and reinstall, and MythPhone should appear on the menus.

After performing these steps I was able to register and complete calls through my own Asterisk server and a friends Asterisk server across the country. (Note, Asterisk uses the sound card, therefore, it's recommended that you run Asterisk on a server where it can have access to a dedicated sound card. Other than that, you could even run asterisk on your myth front or back end box.)/

#1 sipfsm.cpp : SipFsm::SipFsm(...)

at end of fuction, just above the line starting with cout << "SIP: Cannot...", insert the line:


#2 sipfsm.cpp : SipFsm::CheckRxEvent()


int Event = MsgToEvent(&sipRcv);

if ( Event == 0 )

#3 sipfsm.cpp : SipThread::SipThreadWorker()

at the bottom of the function, the last
delete vxml;

should be surrounded by WIN32 ifndefs like:
#ifndef WIN32
delete vxml;

and that should do it!


Author:  nigelpearson [ Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Mike. I haven't tried MythPhone yet, but your third fix seems a little strange. The #ifndef WIN32 conditional should make no difference on Linux, because it should not have WIN32 defined. Thoughts?

Author:  memswiler [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  MythPhone Bugs

Of course, you are absolutely correct, the last fix will have no effect on linux, however it will prevent a crash on a win32 platform. While I'm fixing bugs, I try to fix all bugs, not pay attention to platforms.

So if you are sharing this code with a win32 app using this as a library, you would benefit from the fix. If you are not using any win32 software with this code, you will not.

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