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"automount" DVD under r5.5
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Author:  marc.aronson [ Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  "automount" DVD under r5.5

Under R5F27 I was able to look at the content of a DVD by simply doing a "cd /media/dvd; ls". This does not appear to work for me under R5.5. I can manually mount the DVD, but I would prefer that the mount happen automatically. What is the correct way to "cd" to a DVD under R5.5 without having to do a manual mount? Thanks!


Author:  marc.aronson [ Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

The plot thickens. Here is what I see along with my questions:

1. I no longer have a device named "/dev/dvd". Instead, I have "/dev/dvd1" and "/dev/dvdrw1". Is this change in device names a change that was made with r5.5 or is this change somehow specific to my install?

2. After I place a DVD in the drive I type "df" and I can see that the disk is now mounted at "/media/label", where "label" is the label on the disk. This makes it difficult to reference a predictable name in my scripts -- is there any way to have the mount point be a predictable name (like "/media/dvd") instead of using the DVD label?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


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