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MySQL need help!
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Author:  mac [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  MySQL need help!

cat KnoppMyth-version
KnoppMyth R5F27

I hope someone can help me! I had a power outage today and now MySQL dies with sig 11.
This was after having to run a fsck.

something in /var/lib/mysql/mysql has gotten corrupted. How can rebuild files for this directory. I am hoping that everything under mythconverge is still good.

When I did the initial install, I went with all the defaults for database install.


Author:  slowtolearn [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Start here:

Author:  mac [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Now is good time for me to pick up a UPS. I have had tons of crashes, this is the first time that I have really been bit.

Here is how I solved this issue.

I have had corrupt tables in mythconverg before, but this is the first time that that a data file got mucked in /var/lib/mysql/mysql. I tried to repair the tables to no avail.

I figured this out doing a "strace mysqld" and I could see that last thing it read before the segfault was host.frm. I then tested this by moving all of files out of /var/lib/mysql/mysql and recreated them by doing a:


and running starting mysqld. It started fine without the segfault.

I then ran "dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0" to reset the msql maintenance and root accounts.

After that I added the mythtv user to mysql and gave the account the correct privileges and password.

The system has been rock solid now several years, so I have not worried about upgrading or anything. Why mess with a good thing..

I have had it working great now in KL Malaysia using the Astro service, in Kabul using a custom cable system (bank of AFN boxes muxed into a cable.) and now again with AFN in Tajikistan.. :)

Author:  mihanson [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

mac wrote:
I have had it working great now in KL Malaysia using the Astro service, in Kabul using a custom cable system (bank of AFN boxes muxed into a cable.) and now again with AFN in Tajikistan.. :)

I just wanted to wish you safe travels wherever your mythbox calls home.

Dushanbe as in the "Dushanbe Road" in the movie "Spies Like Us"?

Author:  mac [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Dushanbe as in the "Dushanbe Road" in the movie "Spies Like Us"?

One and the same!

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