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R5C7 SDTV sys: P3 733 Intel mbrd 384-ram pvr250 pvr350 LVM
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Author:  jbolan [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  R5C7 SDTV sys: P3 733 Intel mbrd 384-ram pvr250 pvr350 LVM

.. LG GSA-H10N, 3x250 Seagate HDD in LVM (via the included lvm sh script), no graphics card, using 350's tvout, sound directly from 350, silver remote worked out of the box.. combined backend-front end.. dyndns so I can schedule from work:)

Went R5c rather than 'd' bcs of problems noted with 'd' and the 350's tv-out...

Noise pretty good actually. Can hardly hear it from +2 metres.

Installed a couple of weeks ago, every aspect worked out of the box! but of course I couldn't leave well enuf alone, so I've tried various stupid things and ended up using the wiki and forums search a lot to fix mysql problems - but all due to mistakes on my part, nothing to do with the system/install, which was flawless.

Totally awesome, my heartfelt thanks Cecil, tlc, et al! And my family's too!

Have started to use xbmcmythtv for front end, and I think the picture quality may be even better than the 350's. Heartily recommend either the 350 or xbmcmythtv if, like me, you live in an SD world, particularily if you're a little short on CPU power...

will hopefully be getting a Viewsat FTA receiver soon to add-on, will post lircd if/once it's working...

Aside: been trying for years to convince family and friends to just try Linux on the desktop or as a file server with no luck... one look at the Mythweb and they're beating down the door ...

Author:  tjc [ Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

It would be helpful if you could fill out the template from the sticky posting: It makes these recommendations far more useful to other folks looking to follow your "recipe for success".


Author:  jbolan [ Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  details of above system, in form from template

Video type: SDTV
Type of System: combined front-and back-end
Noise level: can barely hear it from +5 feet away
Case: APOD atx case from Canada Computers (48.00 Cndn)
PSU: 450watt, came with case
MOTHERBOARD: Intel D815 socket 370
CPU:Intel PIII Celeron, 733
RAM:384 pc-100
CPU HEATSINK:standard Intel PIII
HDD:3 x Seagate 250g ATA Barracuda 7200.9
GRAPHICS CARD:none, using pvr-350's tv out --used onboard vga for install
SOUNDCARD:none, using prv 350's sound out directly to tv

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