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PVR-500, Nvidia video card, wireless NIC, VFD
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Author:  Kamy [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  PVR-500, Nvidia video card, wireless NIC, VFD

First, Knoppmyth and MythTV rock! But I really don't think I would have gotten this far is it weren't for Knoppmyth. I have been on the #myhttv-users channel and all the chatter about all the other distro's (Fedora, gentoo, ubunto and so on), are enough to make my head spin. Thanks much for a great product! :D

Well, it's taken a couple of weeks, but in all fairness, if I'd known anything about linux before starting this project it would not have taken so long and this hardware may well have made the tier one list. Since it's been a couple of weeks working on this in spare time, (and I don't take written notes) I'll try and do my best to remember pitfalls I had installing/configuring, (again, most were due to my complete linux noobness).

1. R5A26
Install went smoothly after enabling the the "knoppmyth noscsi" parameter, but that is more likely motherboard related.

2. Ahanix MCE601S case
This case has a VFD that caused me some heartburn (noob issues). It's a samsung parallel port model that uses the HD44780 driver. It took awhile but I finally realized Knoppmyth comes with LCDProc already installed, all I had to do was edit /etc/LCDd.conf with the proper settings for my VFD and select the "enable LCD device" checkbox under Utilities-Settings/Appearance/LCD device display. Oh yea, the biggest thing that had me stumped here was how to get it started, thanks to zetoune, /etc/init.d/LCDd start

3. AMD Sempron 64 2600+
No problems here

4. Biostar K8NHA mobo w/nForce3
See #1 above, also this mobo supports xmbmon here's the howto ... boardHowTo

Chaintech SH5200 vcard w/128 MB
Well, this is an nvidia chipset card so I had to edit XF86Config-4 and use overscan to get rid of blue lines on the left side and top of the screen. I know this is not optimal but I'll get around to tweaking it later using nvidia settings as per ... 4+overscan but... thats after I get more comfortable working with linux and mythtv.

4. Hauppauge PVR500 MCE
Card is pretty sweet, configured easily enough using this howto by Ethernut I now have mine connected to my digital cable box as well as an analog line, I'll edit the howto to help others with that setup. Oh yea, the digital cable howto is here... ... DigitalBox

5. 1 GB DDR 400
No problems

6. 300 GB IDE Seagate HD
No problems

7. NEC 3550A DL DVD burner
I had to remove the lines /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdromhdc in the file /etc/fstab in order to keep the drive from refusing to eject cd's, I understand this has been fixed in the latest release.

8. BTC 9019URF wireless keyboard
This is a USB keyboard/pointer combo board, I have had no problems with this, but I did my initial install with a wired ps2 keyboard and switched over to this after the install was complete.

WMP54G Linksys Wireless NIC
Used Ndiswrapper to setup my wireless nic, works like a champ.

Well, that's it, I really think if you have some decent linux/mythtv knowledge to start, this would be considered tier one, hardware.

Author:  Pyrofer [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for that, your comment about LCDs has probably saved me weeks.

Im just building a Box with KNopmyth now and wanted to put an OLED screen on it that i have (its standard LCD compatible) but wasnt sure how on earth to do it.


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