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ASUS Pundit, PVR-250 w/remote, WD 250G, 256M, Cel 2.4G
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Author:  nunya [ Thu Feb 26, 2004 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  ASUS Pundit, PVR-250 w/remote, WD 250G, 256M, Cel 2.4G

Connected to TV. Did autoinstall for no TV and switched to TV once video driver was updated.-

**These were not needed, but I found them useful (I am a noob to linux)**
for editing files - # apt-get install nano
for browsing - # apt-get install mozilla
midnight commander (file manager) - # apt-get install mc

--for hauppage grey remote to work--
# install-i686-l
Still working to corrrect volume button issue and to work on DVD

**for DVD player to work**
"Live" DVD has bad jitters and audio popping. (possible memory issue?) Rips play just fine.

--Followed these directions--
If you have the system hooked up to a TV, then **ENSURE** that /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 contains:
HorizSync "30 - 50"
VertRefresh "60"

In order to make the Pundit TV out work:
Still working on a few issues. An occasional "flicker" or "blip" when watching TV/Recordings (Another possible memory issue?). System hangs if changing channel too quickly. Display does not fill screen (black space top, bottom, sides) - Apparently this is caused by the Pundits on board video card's lack of the ability to overscan. I have not found any solution to this yet.

**special thanks to 'aelinuxguy' who provided the following tips that got me up and running**

$ cd ~/sources
$ mkdir sis_drv
$ cd sis_drv
$ wget ... ent.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf sis_drv.o_4.3.0_gcc3_current.tar.gz
$ su
# mv /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/sis_drv.o /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/sis_drv.o.orig
# cp sis_drv.o /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/sis_drv.o
# exit

**I did not have a problem with the following issues, but 'aelinuxguy' did on his Pundit system, so I thought I would throw them in case someone else has any issues on a Pundit**

"There have been a couple other gotchas I have run into over the past couple days:"

- Make sure your swap has been activated! I created the partition, switched it's type to swap, but did not realize you still have to 'mkswap /dev/hda'. Was causing lots of crashes.

- Turn on 32-bit I/O and unmaskirq on the hard drive by adding this line to the end of

/sbin/hdparm -c3 -u1 /dev/hda

Overall everything seems to be working quite well. Still working out the kinks. The people developing KnoppMyth have put together a wonderful package. I attempted a manual install of MythTV and also tried the pre-compiled rpm's. Failure on both counts.
KnoppMyth has been the easiest and fastest way to get up and running. So far I have been able to find the answers to most of my problems in this forum, the MythTV mailing list (gossamer), or Google.

I'll update.

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